Youth Ministry

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Mission Statement of The Youth and Young Adult Ministry

The mission of St. Pius V Youth Ministry is to provide the youth of the parish with the opportunity: 1) to develop a deeper understanding of God in order to have a closer relationship with Him; 2) to help them expand the spiritual, moral, and social aspects of their lives; and, 3) to help produce sound Christians who give of their time and talents to help others.

Ministries with Youth Components

  • Junior Ushers
  • Altar Servers
  • Lectors
  • Wee Folk Choir (Ages 3 to 12)
  • Youth & Young Adult Choir (Ages 8—30)
  • Jr. Daughters & Jr. Knights of Peter Claver


What We Do

This ministry provides the parish youth with numerous opportunities to demonstrate their Christianity through service to others.

Under the guidance of the advisors they learn,  develop, and share their skills, knowledge and talents with the parish, diocese and other youth by participating in various retreats and conferences throughout the city, state, and nation.

Participation in the Youth Ministry is open to ALL youth ages  5 to 18. Children ages 3 & 4 who are members of St. Pius maybe invited to participate in certain activities.